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8252 - 350ML防漏真空保温杯


DS汽车(法语、英语:DS Automobiles)是法国宝狮雪铁龙集团设计豪华品牌。 DS的法文全称为Déesse,即法语中的「女神」。
DS Automobiles ordered the 350ML vacuum insulation mug as souvenirs. The beautiful visual presentation of these customized thermos bottles will not only be appealing to your clients but will also provide your company with an excellent branding opportunity. Perfect for distribution at any event or in any venue, these customized bottles are a great choice for getting the word out about your business. The appeal of these bottles lies within their high perceived value and the universal application of these drink holders. Whether your recipient wants to bring along a bottle of hot coffee for the drive to work or pack hot cocoa for their next camping trip, you can be assured that these bottles will be used frequently.
