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12178 - 广告笔


WorldFirst 诞生于 2004 年,由两位拥有十年银行工作经验及一腔创业激情的创新者在南伦敦的一个地下室所建立,其宗旨是希望为客户提供大银行以外的真正替代选择。从那时起,WorldFirst开始呈指数级增长,迅速成长至一队拥有约 600 人、实力雄厚的国际团队,并成为领先市场、屡获殊荣、击败银行、增长迅猛、充满欢乐的国际支付公司。
The WorldFirst ordered the samba pen as promotional items. Opt for full-color graphic or bold color decorations when you stamp your business name and image on these company branded plastic pens. Great for mass distribution, these click top pens are made to be affordable for just about any budget. Give them out at trade shows, fundraisers, job fairs and other promotional events to spread the word about your business in a low-cost, high-impact way.
